Where I Come From Judy Blue Distressed Shorts are going to be the hit of the summer. Everyone loves a good distressed pair of shorts but they are so hard to find. These are perfection because they have distressing on them but aren’t too short or tight. These are cotton on the front and stretchy on the back just like all Judy Blue you know and love. Pair these with our Tee Time Sleeveless Sweater Top and Corkys Wannabe Sandals for the perfect outfit. In Judy Blue shorts if you are in between sizes, go up to the next size.
S: 2-4
M: 6-8
L: 10-12
XL 13-15
1XL 14w-16w
2XL 18w-20w
3XL 20w-22w
Regular Rise: 11.5″
Plus Rise: 13”
Regular Inseam: 4.5″
Plus Inseam: 5.25″
Back Fabric: 94% Cotton, 5% Poly, 1% Spandex
Front Fabric: 71% Cotton, 29% Lyocell